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Summary:Between Fair Isle and Savanger, Hurricane Bawbag catches this ship with extreme rogue waves. 22/12/14. ''This clip was filmed 22/12/14 in position 58.9 degrees North & 001.5 degrees East (155 Nautical Miles or approximately 170 Statute Miles North East of Aberdeen). This puts us about half way between Fair Isle and Savanger. The weather was so bad simply because we were in a hurricane (Bawbag I think). A few days earlier, a man was killed on another ERRV (Vos Sailor) when they had their bridge windows smashed. We were 20 miles away. We had even worse weather this year when we smashed our bridge windows but I did not manage to film that bit. We are an ERRV (Emergency Response & Rescue Vessel) protecting the Oil Rigs.''