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Title:VV1653 School run drop off by car proves tricky
Date:12th December 2016
Summary:School run drop off by car proves tricky - Location Unionville Elementary School in Monroe, North Carolina. Note form the shooter ''here are too many opinions below that are lost on what they think they see here. This was a test by the NCDOT to try and alleviate traffic backing up from the school into the highway. They wanted to utilize the extra parking area for the drop off line and not let kids get dropped off anymore. This plan did not work and was reverted back to the plan that had been in place for years. The drop off line goes around the parking area and the parking spots are also used to walk your child in. The school does provide buses, but some of these buses come by some areas at 6am to pick up kids. Most parents both work and they drop their child off on the way to work. There are over 700 kids at this school and where would you put 700 bicycles if they could ride to school. Riding on a bike or walking is not an option because this school has kids 15 miles away. Who would let their kid ride a bike or walk 15 miles to school everyday. This is an area that is very rural and there is no way the state would ever install hundreds of miles of sidewalks that don't even lead to a town. You should see it on BBQ day, the largest fundraiser for a school in the state. They sell 19,000 tickets at $9 a plate and have sold out for over 60 years the BBQ fundraiser has been in place. 15,000 lbs of BBQ, 2,500 gallons of stew and 500 gallons of slaw is made and sold here in 1 day. That is something to see. So to all the negative comments, everywhere is not like where you live. Things are different for a reason. This isn't New York or Chicago''
Genre:Drone, car, car park, que, lot, parking lot, children, kids, school, traffic, jam, line, quadcopter, time lapse,
Rights:Available for license. Email info@viralvideouk.com (Music-Failure, Little Clubthing. Will need separate clearance)