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Summary:Drug dealer crashes into police car! A video from Russia of a drug-addicted driver crashing into police car. In the footage, captured on 9th April 2015 in Marks, near the city of Saratov, police can be seen dragging the driver and his passenger out of car and onto the ground. Police say the driver was in a condition of narcotic intoxication. Physical examination showed such results. After inspecting the car, police officers found syringes containing illegal substances. The driver had had been arrested for possession of drugs. Investigation into the incident had also commenced.
Date: April 9, 2015
Genre:Dashcam, fight, road rage, bat, drugs, dealer, driver, cars, vehicle, car, arrested, police, CCTV, accident, fight, brawl, Saratov, Russia
Rights:Available for license. Email info@viralvideouk.com